Tuesday 7 June 2011

Pisang Tongka Langit

Pisang Tongka Langit (Musa fehi) termasuk dalam seksi Australimusa dengan jumlah kromosom x=10. Asal mula pisang ini sangat kompleks dapat berasal dari 3 jenis pisang M. lolodensis, M. maclayi dan M. peekelii.  Tanaman dalam seksi Australimusa ini bisanya tinggi, buahnya berbiji. Struktur bijinya sering digunakan sebagai dasar klasifikasi yaitu sedikit bulat atau kempis, halus, dan sudutnya tidak beraturan.  Dinamakan pisang Tongka Langit karena mempunyai bentuk yang khas dengan tandan buah menuju ke atas, bukan ke bawah seperti kebanyakan pisang pada umumnya (Ploetz, et al., 2007).
Pisang Tongka langit spesifik pada kepulauan Maluku sampai Polinesia. Secara khusus ada hubungan dengan suku Marquesa masyarakat pulau Polinesia Perancis. Pisang ini merupakan makanan pokok serta sering digunakan dalam upacara-upacara adat karena suku inilah yang pertama mendiami daerah Samoa-Tonga 250 SM dan Tahiti sekitar tahun 700-800 Masehi. Namun demikian keberadaan tanaman ini makin menurun secara drastis dalam beberapa dekade belakangan ini. Pisang Tongka Langit selain memiliki karakteristik tandan buah yang menuju ke atas, juga memiliki getah yang berwarna magenta cerah sampai ungu tua. Pisang ini sangat bergizi dan enak dikonsumsi dengan cara dibakar atau direbus. Orang yang memakannya akan mengakibatkan urinenya berwarna kemerahan (Ploetz et al., 2007). 

Ada dua jenis pisang yang tergolong dalam Musa fehi yaitu Pisang Tongka Langit Kuning dengan ukuran buah lebih kecil dan panjang serta kulit buah kuning sampai kuning jeruk; Pisang Tongka Langit Merah dengan ukuran buah lebih besar dengan kulit buah berwarna merah bata bila matang  (Valmayor et al., 2000; INIBAP, 2002).
Pisang ini sangat unik dari kultivar acuminata/balbisiana. Meskipun secara jelas pisang ini tergolong dalam seksi Australimusa, tetapi asalnya secara tepat masih kurang dijelas atau dipahami. Diperkirakan kemungkinan besar induknya berasal dari M. maclayi (berdasarkan morfologi) dan M. lolodensis ( berdasarkan struktur DNA). Penelitian genetik terakhir menunjukan bahwa pisang ini secara genetik berkerabat dengan jenis tambahan M. peekelii. Dengan demikian, pisang Tongka Langit merupakan jenis hibrida interspesifik (Ploetz et al., 2007)
Tanaman pisang Tongka Langit umumnya tumbuh baik pada tanah dengan tekstur pasir dan liat, topografinya datar sampai bergelombang dengan ketinggian 0-400 m dpl dan kemiringan 4-15%. pH tanah 4,5-7,3. Tipe iklim A dan C, sedang bulan basahnya 6-8 bulan. Bulan kering 0-2 bulan. Suhu 20-32°C (Watkaat dan Latuconsina, 2005).
Umumnya teknis budidaya yang dilakukan oleh petani adalah secara tradisional yaitu dengan menggunakan anakan. Pisang ini biasanya ditanam di pekarangan maupun sebagai tanaman pada areal pertanaman cengkih, pala, dan durian (Watkaat dan Latuconsina, 2005).
Pisang Tongka Langit mulai berproduksi pada umur 1–1,5 tahun. Waktu berbunganya sepanjang musim. Tujuh (7) bulan setelah berbunga sudah bisa panen, jumlah buah 6-13 buah per sisir. Warna buah masak kadang kuning kecoklatan, ada yang merah sesuai jenis. Panjang buah mencapai 17 – 23 cm, dengan berat buah ± 250 – 300 g, dan diameter 5 – 6,3 cm (Satuhu dan Supriyadi, 2005).
Pisang Tongka langit ini sangat banyak mengandung beta-karoten. Pisang Tongka langit yang diolah dengan cara dimasak memiliki  kandungan 4960 µg beta-karoten ekuivalen/100 g. Dengan demikian hanya dengan mengkonsumsi 250 g Pisang Tongka Langit tiap hari, maka akan diperoleh 2067  µg RE (retinol ekuivalen) yang sudah memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin A per hari yang cuma 500 µg per hari (Engelberger, 2003). Di negara negara mikronesia pisang ini digunakan sebagai makanan bayi yang baru disapih. Pengalaman di tingkat petani di daerah pedesaan menunjukan bahwa pisang ini juga bermanfaat sebagai obat tradisional untuk penyembuh sakit ‘kuning’, namun secara medis hal ini perlu diteliti lebih dalam lagi (Watkaat dan Latuconsina, 2005).
Pentingnya Pengolahan Buah Pisang Tongka Langit
Buah pisang yang dapat  dimakan biasanya berasal dari dua spesies Musa yaitu M. acuminata dan M. balbisiana maupun hibrida antara kedua spesies ini. Sebagai bahan yang dapat dimakan, pisang banyak mengandung vitamin dan mineral yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Bahkan di beberapa daerah pisang merupakan subtitusi makanan pokok dan diolah dalam berbagai jenis produk olahan pisang seperti keripik, sale, tepung, pure, selai, dan jus.
Pengembangan pengolahan pisang akan dapat memberikan keuntungan antara lain: meningkatkan nilai tambah yang  lebih tinggi dibandingkan dalam bentuk segar; meningkatkan umur penyimpanan sehingga mengurangi kerusakan dan kerugian; mengubah dalam produk awet, sehingga memiliki stok yang besar dalam memperkuat posisi tawar menawar; menyelamatkan dan memanfaatkan hasil panen dalam penganekaragaman pangan; serta memberikan keuntungan yang lebih tinggi untuk bersaing di pasar.
Salah satu jenis pisang yang unik yaitu pisang “Tongka Langit” jenis speisifik daerah timur Indonesia, Maluku dan Papua, dapat diolah dalam berbagai jenis olahan (Anonim, 2006). Pisang ini memiliki banyak keistimewaan oleh sebab itu diperlukan berbagai cara pengolahan yang dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah dari produk pisang ini agar dapat memberikan peluang pasar yang baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri terlebih dengan adanya trend pengembangan pangan fungsional. Diharapkan konsumsi olahan pisang tongka langit bukan saja dapat memberikan nilai gizi tapi dapat memberikan keuntungan kesehatan.

Beberapa literatur pisang tongka langit :
micronessian banana 
Banana plaintain overview

Anonim. 2006. Pisang Tongka Langit. Dinas Pertanian Provinsi Maluku. Ambon

Englberger, L. 2003. Carotenoid-rich bananas in Micronesia. InfoMusa. 12:2-5
INIBAP. 2002. The Exploration of Musaceae in Irian Jaya (Papua). International Network for The Improvement of Banana and Plantain- Asia and The Pasific Office, Los Banos, Laguna, Philipines.
Ploetz, R. C., A. K. Kepler, J. Daniells, and S. C. Nelson. 2007. Banana and Plantain-an overview with emphasis on Pasific Island Cultivars. Species Profiles for Pasific Island Agroforestry. 1 : 1-27
Satuhu, S. dan A. Supriyadi. 2005. Pisang- Budidaya, Pengolahan dan Prospek Pasar. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta
Watkaat, M. dan M. Latuconsina. 2005. Pengenalan Beberapa Plasma Nutfah Buah-buahan Maluku. Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Maluku. Maluku
Valmayor, R. V., S. H. Jamaluddin, B. Silayoi, S. Kusumo, L. D. Danh, O. C. Pascua, and R. R. C. Espino. 2000. Banana Cultivar Names and Synonyms in Southeast Asia. International Network for The Improvement of Banana and Plantain- Asia and The Pasific Office, Los Banos, Laguna, Philipines.


Saturday 4 June 2011

The effects of salt on bread : technological considerations for reduced salt levels

1.      Introduction

This report investigates the importance of salt inclusion in cereal products particularly bread and the difficulties associated with reducing salt in the products. The report focuses on the effect of salt on dough rheological properties, baking properties and taste of the bread.
Salt is a dietary mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride. These two components of salt are essential for humans, however having too much salt in the diet increases the risk of health problems. High sodium intake is positively correlated with the level of blood pressure (Elliott, et al., 1996). In addition there are well established relationships of usual blood pressure levels with the risks of vascular problems (MacMahon, et al., 1990; Tuomilehto, et al., 2001). There is convincing evidence that reduced salt intake significantly benefits health. Trials have demonstrated the beneficial effects of reduced dietary sodium intake on blood pressure when low salt diets are adhered to in the long term (Law, Frost, & Wald, 1991). In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) has made specific recommendations regarding the implementation of national salt reduction programs (WHO, 2007). Therefore, it is necessary to consume food with reduced salt content.

Despite the risks of high dietary salt intake, salt is often consumed above the levels required for good health (6 g/day) by consumers in Australia and other developed nations (Webster, et al., 2009). It has been estimated that around 75% of the salt we eat is already in the foods we buy which are mostly contained in processed food (Dotsch, et al., 2009; James, Ralph, & Sanchez-Castillo, 1987). In fact, 25% salt intake in the western diet are from cereal products (Miller & Hoseney, 2008). It is important then for food manufacturers to develop products with reduced salt content.

However, sodium reduction is not that easy since salt not only has an important role in taste of the food but also for preservation, and in some products structuring, or other purposes (Dotsch, et al., 2009). Reductions in the sodium content of processed foods has been difficult to achieve because food manufacturers usually perceive the sodium content to be vital to the flavour and acceptability of the product (Breslin & Beauchamp, 1997). In addition, the inclusion of salt in solid food and dry powder formulations generally has a significant technological role in the processing and stability of these products. Therefore, reducing salt content in processed food especially for cereal based products is one of the greatest ongoing challenges facing food manufacturers. It is not sufficient to simply reduce or remove salt from the formulation of a product and expect product characteristics such as appearance, taste, flavour and texture to be maintained.

2.      The effect of salts on dough rheological properties

Reducing or removing salt or sodium chloride from bread has been difficult, since salt is one of the four essential ingredients in bread (flour, salt, yeast and water) (Miller & Hoseney, 2008). It is essential because salt affects the dough properties, baking or bread properties and its palatability. However, there are conflicting results about the relation of salt’s effect on dough properties and baking properties.
Turning first to effect of salt on the dough properties, salt is usually added to form dough with other ingredients before it is exposed to baking process. The dough properties are influenced by salt in ways that salt usually stabilize the yeast fermentation rate, strengthening the dough and increasing dough mixing time (Miller & Hoseney, 2008). Those effects on dough are studied by looking at dough rheology when salt is added into the formulation for bread making. The studies mainly concentrate on the dough properties alone without any correlation to the baking properties.

Firstly, salt inhibit or controls fermentation rate by decreasing the rate of gas production which result in the longer proof times (He, Roach, & Hoseney, 1992).  This appears to be the result of increased osmotic pressure and the sodium and chloride ions on the membrane of yeast cells (Miller & Hoseney, 2008). The growth of yeast cell is then retarded; hence the fermentation and dough development is controlled. If dough is made without salt, the yeast ferments excessively resulting in gassy and sour dough. The dough with these properties when baked may result in products with open grain and poor texture (Miller & Hoseney, 2008)   He et al., (1992) highlight the effect of dough with and without salt and different kinds of salt on the gas production. Indeed, dough without salt has higher gas production 67.8 GU and was significantly different   compared to dough treated with sodium chloride which had 61.8 GU. In addition, salt with different cations has lower gas production than sodium chloride except for potassium chloride. This study does not indicate whether it is acceptable to reduce salt from the formulation without posing any effect on gas production.

Another study using a Chopin Rheofermentometer was applied to obtain information on gas expansion and retention capabilities of dough during fermentation. The effect of different salt concentrations in reducing series on dough properties and yeast growth were measured simultaneously. (Lynch, Dal Bello, Sheehan, Cashman, & Arendt, 2009). The results showed that the maximum height of dough that can be considered as a marker for baking quality increased as salt level decreased. As mentioned earlier that salt inhibit yeast growth, thus a reduction in salt levels increase yeast activity hence the higher CO2 production. To achieve good quality bread, it is necessary to control gas production to a minimum level. Therefore, reducing salt level may bring poor quality. However, even though reduced salt level  result in higher gas production, the capability of a dough to retain gas was lower as shown by lower retention coefficient when salt content of the dough was reduced (Lynch, et al., 2009).

Secondly, salt usually strengthens dough. The effects of salt addition on dough are primarily attributed to the interaction of salt with gluten protein (Fu, Sapirstein, & Bushuk, 1996; He, et al., 1992; Larsson, 2002). When dough is prepared without salt, the gluten protein has positive net charges in the flour-water system. These positive charges repulse each and keep the protein molecule to interact which may result in weaker dough network. When salt is present, it shields the charges on the gluten protein, reducing electrostatic repulsion between proteins and allowing them to associate thus producing stronger dough (Kinsella & Hale, 1984; Miller & Hoseney, 2008). The studies show that salt is important to maintain stronger dough. However, still they do not present the effect of reduced salt content on the dough properties.

The study by Lynch et al. (2009) showed that reducing level of salt do not significantly affect the resistance to extension and extensibility of dough, however there is a tendency that reduced salt level result in lower resistance to extension and extensibility as a result of weaker gluten network. The rheology of the dough added with reduced salt levels was also studied and showed that the elastic modulus (G’) increased with decreasing salt addition. However, Larsson (2002) showed that there is a moderate but significant decrease G’ value with reduced salt levels. The contrasting results of these studies might be due to the different quality of flour used. In fact, the effect of salt on dough also determined by the quantity and the quality of the protein used (Wu, Beta, & Clarke, 2006). Since these two studies using the same amount of flour, then the differences are more readily associated with the different quality of flour used. Overall, it can be said that no major structural changes in the dough take place as a result of salt reduction, despite the quality of flour used. Therefore, the reduced salt content is possible to be used in the formulation of bread depending on the type of the flour used whether it is high protein flour or low one.

Thirdly, salt affect dough properties in terms of mixing requirements. Several studies showed that salt increases the mixing time of the dough as shown by farinograph results (Preston, 1989; Salovaara, 1982). Dough prepared without salt makes gluten proteins hydrate faster since they repulse each other. The dough then is more readily mixed in just a short time. But, when salt is added to the formulation, the gluten proteins  associate  each other and make them hydrate more slowly resulting in longer mixing time (Miller & Hoseney, 2008). There is no specific study that shows the effect reduced salt levels on the dough mixing time. However, it can be said that higher salt content may result in longer mixing time. The longer mixing time can pose a problem to bread manufacturers who run large bakeries since longer mixing time slows the rate of the production and also increase the energy cost of mixing. It is impossible to remove salt completely only to have benefits regarding mixing time. Therefore it would be better if the producer do not use high salt content; instead lower salt content would be beneficial. The other option is that to delay salt addition until the dough has reached the clean-up stage.(Miller & Hoseney, 2008).

3.      The effects of salt on the baking properties of bread

Salt has multiple effects on the baking properties of bread. As already said, salt increases dough development time, and its resistance to extension and extensibility. Salt also affects bread properties. He et al. (1992) studied the effect of different salt on baking properties of flours that varied widely in baking quality. Sodium sulphate other than sodium chloride improves loaf volume and crumb grain of the bread made from the poor quality flour but made the bread from good quality flour too elastic for good bread-making. Again, salt is not the only factor that can effect bread properties but also the quality of the flour used in the formulation.

Reduced salt content in the formulation does not affect the final bread quality significantly, for example, loaf volume,  bake-loss or moisture loss. In addition, omission of salt results in uneven crumb structure and high crumb hardness on day 5 post-baking. However, these effects are not present when salt is included in the formulation, even at low levels of addition, i.e. 0.6% or 0.3%. (Lynch, et al., 2009). This means that using reduced salt level in the formulation as low as 0.3% will have the same effect as using salt in the level usually required for producing good bread which is 1.2%.

4.      The effects of salt on bread flavour

Finally, the importance for the inclusion of salt in the formulation is that it enhances bread flavour. The flavour enhancing function of salt is well known. Omitting salt from the formulation results in baked products that are quite tasteless. At the level used, salt does not impart salty taste to the product but rather brings out the other flavours in the systems. It is known to increase sweetness and mask metallic bitter or other off flavour (Miller & Hoseney, 2008). The effect of salt on the palatability of bread may be the important factor considered by bread manufacturer for not producing bread with reduced salt content. According to Lynch et al. 2009 breads are more strongly affected by age than level of salt addition in the sensorial evaluation. Moreover, principle analysis of a descriptive sensory evaluation showed that breads without salt are set in the area of sensorial space described as “sour/acidic, “sourdough” and yeasty flavour attributes. In addition, a study has found that in white bread a reduction in the sodium content of 25% could remain largely unnoticed as sodium is gradually decreased at the time of baking over a period of 6 weeks (Girgis, et al., 2003). The reduction is achieved without clearly affecting the consumer’s perception of the flavour strength and liking of the bread. These results indicate that this could be a promising strategy for sodium reduction in the bread industry.

5.      Conclusion

In conclcusion, salt has important roles to play  in affecting yeast activity, strengthening the dough network and thus gas retention of the dough. No technological difficulties are encountered of breads with reduced salt levels. Reducing salt level from 1.2% (proportion usually used in baking formulation) does not significantly affect dough rheological properties and bread-making quality. However, omission of salt entirely leads to significant reduction in dough, bread quality, and its palatability.

6.      Recommendations

The production of bread containing lower salt levels is then technologically feasible, but the taste of the bread needs to be improved. Most of the studies contemplate on the dough and bread properties and few studies focus on the molecular level of gluten properties. Gluten protein molecular structure is indeed affected by salt which may result in different dough and bread properties. Therefore, a study is needed to investigate the effect of different salts on the molecular structure of gluten protein and correlate them with dough rheological and baking properties.


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By: Helen Cynthia Dewi Tuhumury

Genetically modified (transgenic) crops refer to crops that have been genetically modified using gene or genetic engineering technology. Crops’ characteristics such as yield or quality of crops, pests and disease resistance, drought resistance and so forth can be improved through genetic modification. For example, cottons are modified to produce an insect specific toxin called Bt toxin so that they have resistance to pest infestations.  Genetically modified (GM) crops have been grown worldwide since the introduction of the first GM crop, The Flvr Savr Tomato, to farmers in 1994 (Huesing and English 2004).
In 1996, GM crops were commercialized. Since then, there has been a stable increase in the number of countries choosing to cultivate GM crops from 6 in 1996, to 18 in 2003 and 25 in 2008 (James 2008). In addition, the area planted with GM crops has increased dramatically in recent years. According to James (2008), more than 120 million hectares of land are being planted with GM crops and this number has continued to grow strongly, reaching 125 million hectares compared to 67 million ha in 2003. The majority of GM crops are grown in developed countries and address the needs of commercial farmers. However, farmers in developing countries are increasingly beginning to adopt GM crops. Developing countries accounted for approximately 60% of globally engineered crop areas in 2008 (James 2008) compared to 30% in 2003 (James 2003). Moreover, two of the Asian developing countries, India and China, are within the top eight countries which grew more than 1 million hectares of GM crops in 2008 i.e.: 7.6 and 3.8 million hectares, respectively (James 2008).
Everything in life has its benefits and risks and GM crops are no exception. The debate on GM crops and its implications for humans has so far been vigorous and extremely high profile worldwide. On one side of the fiery discussion are people who support GM crops, who are convinced that GM crops signify a technology with enormous potential for providing enough food for people to deal with the problems of poverty and malnutrition without causing environmental damage (Barton and Berger 2001; Farooq and Azam 2002). On the other side are people who firmly believe that GM crops pose a threat to human health, biodiversity and environment (Jefferson 2006). Despite the on going debate on GM crops, particularly in developed countries, millions of large and small farmers in developing countries including Asian countries continue to increase their planting of GM crops because GM crops are believed to be able to reduce hunger, poverty and malnutrition in Asian developing countries since they offer significant economic advantages (Raney 2006), safer environment and health benefits to farmers compared with related conventional agriculture (FAO 2004). This essay thus analyses the benefits and the disadvantages of GM crops and argues that GM crops do not lead to negative environmental and health effects or poverty in Asian developing countries. Poverty in Asian developing countries is more likely caused by social and economic problems within the society, and that GM crops may offer significant economic benefits to farmers that may lead to reduction in poverty so that hunger and malnutrition could be eradicated.
Turning first to the alleged negative environmental effects of GM crops, it has been argued by opponents of GM crops that animals, people and environment could be damaged by GM crops (Jeferson 2006). However, agriculture of any type whether it is subsistence, organic or intensive agriculture affects the environment, so it is natural to expect that the use of new genetic techniques in agriculture will also affect the environment. One possible risk of GM crops is a direct non-target effect on beneficial organisms.  One example to illustrate this point is Bt cotton which has been modified to produce Bt toxin. If crops are modified to produce toxin, which made them resistant to pests, then there will be possibilities that the toxin can affect other organisms, too. According to Stotzky (in Wolfenbarger and Phifer 2000) GM crops with a Bt toxin may be harmful to non-target organisms that are beneficial for crops such as monarch-butterfly larvae (Losey, Raynor and Carter 1999 in Wolfenbarger and Phifer 2000). Despite the findings of the monarch butterflies study, this argument cannot be relied upon because the study was conducted only in the laboratory not in the field and it did not address an important part of risk assessment which was the rate that the larvae come across the toxin produced by Bt crops (Wolfenbarger and Phifer 2000). What is more, in the field, no significant adverse effects on non-target species have so far been observed (FAO 2004). Therefore, it may be unjustifiable to assert that GM crops are harmful to other organisms.
Still in terms of the environmental effects of GM crops, it has also been argued that there is a risk that wild plants which are not related to GM crops become contaminated through gene flow from the process of out-crossing. The great example of this is the transfer of herbicide resistant characteristics to produce super weeds which are also resistant to herbicide (Paarlberg 2000). However, many plants usually are not native to the areas in which they are grown. Locally, they may have no wild relatives to which genes could flow. Gene flow also occurs widely throughout nature. Moreover, if gene flow occurs, it is unlikely that the number of out-crossed plants would increase in the wild, because they would have characteristics that only are beneficial in that specific agricultural environment (FAO 2004). In addition, Robinson (1999) states that the negative environmental effects of gene flow are not certain, but by using modern technology through ‘engineering sterility’ into transgenic crops, genetic pollution could be limited.
Despite the concerns of the negative consequences of GM crops on the environment, they also have a potential environmental benefit. It has been stated that the use of GM crops which are resistant to pest and herbicide could lead to protection of the environment because the application of pesticide in agriculture is reduced (Paarlberg 2000; Wolfenbarger and Phifer 2000; James 2008). For instance, insect-resistant crops such as Bt cotton lead to a significant reduction in the application of insecticides compared to conventional crops. Reduction in the use of pesticides means that the environment receives fewer residues of these harmful substances. Indeed, in 2008, there was a decrease in use of insecticide by 39% and 60%, in India and China, subsequently, with good impacts on the environment and the health of the growers (James 2008).
As has been stated above, not only could GM crops pose a threat to the environment but also to human health. Healey (2004, p.21) states that there is a possibility that GM crops may produce extra proteins in plants cell which can cause new types of allergy and can also affect the wholesomeness of food. However, a report by FAO says that it is safe to eat food stuff made of GM crops which are recently available for human consumption such as corn, soybean and rape seed since the justifications on their safety have been made based on reliable testing methods as concluded by scientific evidence provided by WHO and ICSU (FAO 2004). In addition, no allergens and toxins were found in currently commercialized GM foods after they were tested for their presence and levels in GM foods (FAO 2004). 
Despite the concerns that GM crops are not safe for human health, obviously they can also offer some health benefits. GM crops could offer some direct and indirect health benefits to consumers, for instance by improving nutritional quality and reducing pesticide use, respectively. According to Timmer (2003) biotechnology of GM crops could offer the possibility to improve micronutrient availability such as iron and vitamin A through biofortification of staple food. For example, scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Zurich) and the International Rice Research Institute (Los Baños, The Philippines) have succeeded in transferring genes into rice to increase the quantities of vitamin A, iron, and other micronutrients. This work could eventually have profound impact for millions of people, for example 5 million children in Southeast Asia with deficiencies of vitamin A, a cause of blindness (Farooq and Azam 2002; Redona 2004). The indirect health benefits of GM crops is that pesticide use could be reduced through pest and herbicide resistant GM crops which are beneficial to human health since there may be fewer case of pesticide poisoning (James 2003).  Indeed, there was a decrease in the application of insecticide by 60% as Bt cotton was grown in China in 2008, and this has affected farmers’ health in a good way (James 2008).
Turning to the benefits of GM crops, we can see that GM crops have potential to reduce hunger, poverty, and malnutrition among people in developing countries in Asia. Theoretically, the lessening of starvation among humans and improved agricultural yield could be achieved through the growing of genetically modified crops (Robinson 1999). However, Pretty (1999) states that it is impossible that GM crops will contribute to the alleviation of hunger if they are used as the only way to solve this problem (Robinson 1999). When people live in hunger, it usually means that there is not enough food available for consumption. Actually, insufficient food production is not the cause of hunger throughout the world since there is an adequate amount of food to be consumed daily. Hunger is more likely due to poverty which makes poor people have difficulties in trying to purchase food and have less areas and capital to cultivate food crops (Altieri and Rosset 1999).  Moreover, it has been claimed by opponents of GM crops that the problem with providing food for poor people is that food is not properly distributed (Herera-Estrella and Alvares-Morales 2001). However, distribution is not the only way to address hunger, even in the area where there is food surplus, there is currently undernourishment due to serious poverty. Hence, the problem is not about food production or distribution but poverty.
In my opinion, reduction of poverty in developing countries is therefore needed to eliminate malnutrition and hunger. Not only could reduction in poverty eliminate hunger but also increase food production and purchasing power. The poverty and undernourishment crisis could be solved because GM crops are able to stimulate the increase in production of main consumed food crops which offers insect protection, resistance to drought, etc, to crops (Farooq and Azam 2002; Timmer 2003). Higher agricultural yield means higher income for farmers. In addition, GM crops can benefit farmers economically. For example, farmers in India who grow Bt cotton (GM cotton) can gain net earnings of 78% over farmers who grow cotton conventionally. This is due to better production of Bt cotton compared to ordinary cotton, which are 1898 and 1473 (kg/ha), respectively (James 2008). Not only can GM crops offer advantages to large farmers but also farmers who live in poverty, as proven by current economic evidence (Raney 2006). Indeed, small resourced and poor farmers experienced advantages from Bt cotton since there were increases in income of about US$ 220/hectare in China and US$ 250/hectare in India. Higher incomes contribute to better welfare upon their life (James 2008).
Despite the economic benefits received by farmers in developing countries, some opponents of GM crops state that actually farmers will not benefit from GM since multinational corporations who provide seeds for them only seek their own profit rather than try to increase farmers’ incomes (Chirspeels 2000). This condition actually creates farmers’ dependency on multinational corporations such as Monsanto. As a result, for example, the Indian farmers in the district of Warangal have committed suicide because the existence of GM crops exacerbates farmers’ dependency on the debt cycle for buying new seeds each growing season (Shiva in Stone 2002). Farmers are trapped in the debt cycle and are forced to buy seeds as sold by dealer at high price (Stone 2002).
However, it is doubtful if this case of Indian farmers’ suicide can be used as a valid example of the effect of gene modification technology in general. This is in line with what Stone (2002) states, that this case is not a perfect indicator for showing the negative impact of Bt cotton. He also states that the problems faced by farmers are not from the biotech corporation but the problems linked with agricultural sustainability and the effects of the GM will depend on the local situation. If the local situations vary, GM effects also vary (ibid). Also, the impacts of big companies in developing countries with their patented seeds actually do not harm small farmers because the real problems that farmers face are not from the technology but from other factors such as markets, agricultural sustainability and their management skills. In addition, to my mind, farmers will get the benefits from GM crops introduced by big companies. Even though they have to buy new seeds every season which require extra money, the growing of crops using those seeds will produce higher yield, and they tend to expend less money purchasing other agricultural inputs such as pesticides which will resulted in higher income.
In conclusion, it is my contention that the benefits of GM crops in some agricultural systems in Asian developing countries appear to outweigh their relative risks. Regarding the negative consequences of GM crops on environment and human health, there have been no provable reports of them causing any significant health or environmental harm. On the contrary, some important environmental and health benefits are rising. Farmers are using less pesticide. As a result, farm workers and the environment are protected from poison. In addition, GM crops have delivered large economic benefits to farmers in these areas whether large or even small-scale farmers. These economic benefits may cause a reduction in poverty; giving farmers their purchasing power so that hunger and malnutrition could be eliminated if they plant GM crops.
Altieri, MA, Rosset, P 1999,’Ten reasons why biotechnology will not ensure food security, protect the environment and reduce poverty in the developing world’, AgBioForum, vol. 2, no. 3&4, pp. 155-162, viewed 18 August 2009, <http://www.agbioforum.org/v2n34/v2n34a03-altieri.pdf>
Barton JH, Berger P 2001, ‘Patenting agriculture’, Issues in Science and Technology, vol. 174, no. 4, pp. 43-50, viewed 10 August 2009, retrieved from PROQUEST database.
Chrispeels, MJ 2000, ‘Biotechnology and the poor’, Plant Physiology, vol.124, pp.3-6, viewed  18 August 2009, <http://www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/reprint/124/1/3>
FAO 2004, The state of Food and Agriculture 2003-2004, Report, Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations, viewed 14 August 2009, <http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/Y5160E/y5160e10.htm#P3_1651>
Farooq, S, Azam F 2002, ‘Food security in the new millennium-II. The role of agriculture biotechnology’, Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 1363-1370, viewed 10 August 2009, <http://scialert.net/pdfs/pjbs/2002/1345-1351.pdf>
Healey, J 2004, Genetic Modification, The Spiney Press, NSW, Australia, p.44.
Herrera-Estrella L, Alvares-Morales A 2001, ‘Genetically modified crops: hope for developing countries?’, European Molecular Biology Organization Report, vol.2, no. 4, pp. 256-258, viewed 10 August 2009, <http://www.res-qualia.net/files//text_37.pdf>
Huesing, J, English, L 2004, ‘The impact of Bt crops on the developing world’, AgBioForum, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 84-95, viewed 10 August 2009, <http://www.agbioforum.org/v7n12/v7n12a16-huesing.pdf>
James C 2003,’ Global review of commercialized transgenic crops’, Current Science, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 303-309, viewed 10 August 2009,  <http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/feb102003/303.pdf>
James C, 2008, ‘Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops: 2008’, ISAAA Brief No 39, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications, Ithaca NY, viewed 15 August 2009, viewed 10 August 2009, <http://www.isaaa.org/resources/publications/briefs/39/executivesummary/pdf/Brief%2039%20-%20Executive%20Summary%20-%20English.pdf>
Jefferson V 2006, ‘The ethical dilemma of genetically modified food’, The Journal of Environmental Health, vol. 69, no.1, pp. 33-34, viewed 10 August 2009, retrieved from PROQUEST database
Paarlberg, R 2000, ‘Genetically modified crops in developing countries: Promise or peril?’, Environment, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 19-27, viewed 10 August 2009 <http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Developing/Paarlberg-GM-crops-Developing-2000.pdf>
Raney, T 2006, ‘Economic impact of transgenic crops in developing countries’, Current opinion in biotechnology, vol. 17, pp. 1-5, viewed 10 August 2009, <http://www.agbioworld.org/pdf/raney.pdf>
Redona, E  2004 ‘Rice biotechnology for developing countries in Asia’,  NABC Report 16 : Agricultural biotechnology : finding common international goals, viewed 10 August 2009, <http://nabc.cals.cornell.edu/pubs/nabc_16/talks/redona.pdf>
Robinson, J 1999, ‘Ethics and transgenic crops: a review’, Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 71-81, viewed 10 August 2009, <http://www.ejbiotechnology.info/content/vol2/issue2/full/3/3.pdf>
Stone, GD 2002, ‘Biotechnology and suicide in India’, Anthropology news, vol. 43, no.5,  May 2002, viewed 18 August 2009, <http://grain.org/research_files/biotechandsuicide.pdf>
Timmer CP, 2003, ‘Biotechnology and food systems in developing countries’, The Journal of Nutrition, vol. 133, no. 11, pp. 3319-3332, viewed 10 August 2009, retrieved from PROQUEST database.
Wolfenbarger, LL, Phifer, PR 2000, ‘The ecological risks and benefits of genetically engineered plants’, Science, vol. 290, no. 5499,  pp. 2088-2093, viewed 10 August 2009, retrieved from PROQUEST database.


I have found the interesting world of foreign languages when I was 11 years old. At that age I was sent to Junior High School, where students were being taught English for the first time. I was really interested in English because it was the first foreign language I learned. However, my English teachers at that moment mostly focused their teaching on grammars, tenses, and sentence patterns, which I kind of disliked.  Moreover, the teachers did nothing to add any interest to the subject. 

Fortunately, I had taken into interest to English by my childhood friend and her family who had just got back from Hobart, Australia. Her mother ran an English course "Ciarylene". I and some of my friends from our Jr. High School attended the course for about 2 years. It was a good opportunity for lots of fun, we were taught about grammar, vocabulary in interesting ways. We learned stories, poems, and songs in English. We played games to improve our vocabulary such as “Hangman”. In addition, at the end of each course year we held a performance in English.

Attending that course encouraged me to immerse myself for better English. Preparing for class, attending the class, reviewing lessons learned were my formal type of learning. Whereas listening to music, news, watching movies, reading novels and comics in English were some of the efforts which I did to immerse my self informally. Therefore my preferred learning style was immersing informally of what I had been taught formally in school.  The immersion had made me feel a lot more confident about my language learning ability in listening, reading and pronunciation. I was pretty good in memorizing words as I made a vocabulary list. By writing them, I could memorize them easily. This was a good way to memorize vocabulary. However, when it came to experimenting with speaking, I was always afraid to make mistakes, even now I still have the same problem. In addition, I realized that vocabulary retention is more efficient when actually using it in conversation rather than simply sitting down at my desk and going through new vocabulary over and over again. 

I got two opportunities to improve my English by studying abroad. In 1993, I was chosen to participate in an exchange student program between two sisters city Ambon-Darwin for 6 months and did my master degree in Melbourne for 2 years. I lived with an Australian family and went to school and university that English was the language of instruction. I think that was the best way to improve my English as I could interact and communicate with the native speakers. However, my speaking was still average after several months. One of my weaknesses is that I have somewhat shy personality, especially when in a new and uncertain environment. Knowing that fluency only comes trough much practice, I tried to make deeper relationship with people I really related well, I spent much time with them talking on many and varied issues.  I became more fluent in speaking, however when I came back to Ambon, my speaking was back to average since I did not have the chance to actively practice my speaking. Therefore, I think the best way to master English is that we put ourselves in situations where we could hear and use English actively.

To conclude, despite the strengths I have in learning English and the considerations regarding what kind of a language learner I am, there are still some important plans to make in order to improve it. I still have to be more confident to speak, and should not hesitate to speak in front of many people. Be more open-minded and not afraid of making mistakes. In English, I should realize I am only a learner, and I will naturally make many mistakes. Finally, I should try to put myself in situations where English is practiced actively. Hopefully, English will be mine.


Life being exactly the way I would like to be. I have put all my efforts hard and naturally through the chalenges that each day presents during my two years’ study in The University of Melbourne and in the course on my current PhD studies at RMIT. I’ve been creating real and lasting values as the result of my efforts. I’ve been moving steadily in the direction of my most treasured dream "Strive for Success". I’ve been reaching that dream and am going to build even more magnificent dream to take its place when I reach home to my beloved ones.

For my next life ahead, I have the sense of fulfillment and purpose that comes from living true to the authentic person I am. I am going to spend each day making a positive contribution to the world in which I live and making a difference in the lives of those arround me. My life is at its best and in course of life God has given me, then I’ll take a deep breath, hold my head up, step forward, and trulyy make it happen.